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Additional files 4: Figure S4. of Models of microbiome evolution incorporating host and microbial selection

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posted on 2017-09-25, 05:00 authored by Qinglong Zeng, Steven Wu, Jeet Sukumaran, Allen Rodrigo
The effects of different models on microbe fitness and host fitness. This plot is based on small-scale simulations. Panels (a) and (b) show the effects of different models of selection on final values of average microbial fitness and host fitness, respectively. The vertical axis in each figure represents the final fold change of average microbe or host fitnesses with respect to the initial levels. The categories on the horizontal axes represent different selective models; colors ranging from black to white label different host parental contributions to offspring or environmental microbiomes (see Fig. 4 for description). Over each bar, asterisks indicate the statistical significance of differences from neutral models (****p value < 0.0001, ***p value < 0.001, **p value < 0.01, *p value < 0.05). For panel (a), microbial fitness is strongly influenced by any selective model in which microbial selection operates, i.e., HMS, TMS, HS and HMS, and HS and TMS. For panel (b), host fitness is most strongly affected when HS and HMS apply (even when parental contributions to offspring or environmental microbial communities are absent) or when HS or HS and TMS operate with high parental contributions. (TIFF 4270 kb)
