Springer Nature
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Additional file 9: Figure S3. of Influenza H3N2 infection of the collaborative cross founder strains reveals highly divergent host responses and identifies a unique phenotype in CAST/EiJ mice

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posted on 2016-02-27, 05:00 authored by Sarah Leist, Carolin Pilzner, Judith van den Brand, Leonie Dengler, Robert Geffers, Thijs Kuiken, Rudi Balling, Heike Kollmus, Klaus Schughart
Gene expression changes of genes up-regulated in 129S1/SvImJ and C56BL/6J but not in CAST/EiJ in blood. Changes in the expression levels of probe sets that were up-regulated in 129S1/SvImJ and C56BL/6J but not in CAST/EiJ mice. Expression values represent normalized log2 transformed signal intensities at different time points p.i. relative to expression levels in mock-infected control mice. (JPG 395 kb)


Helmholtz Association
