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Additional file 7: of Monocyte infiltration rather than microglia proliferation dominates the early immune response to rapid photoreceptor degeneration

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posted on 2018-12-15, 05:00 authored by Sarah Karlen, Eric Miller, Xinlei Wang, Emily Levine, Robert Zawadzki, Marie Burns
Figure S2. CCL2-neutralizing antibody remains in the eye for at least 12 h. A single injection of CCL2-neutralizing antibody 12 h after light onset was used to block CCL2 signaling intravitreally. Flat-mounted retinae were stained with a fluorescently tagged secondary antibody (green) capable of binding to intravitreally injected CCL2 antibody after 1 (B) or 12 (C) hours from the time of injection, demonstrating that the injected antibody remained in the eye. No staining was seen in the saline-injected control (A), verifying that the secondary did not bind indiscriminately. Scale bar is 500 μm. (PNG 755 kb)


National Eye Institute
