Springer Nature
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Additional file 7: of Chronic adiponectin deficiency leads to Alzheimer’s disease-like cognitive impairments and pathologies through AMPK inactivation and cerebral insulin resistance in aged mice

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posted on 2016-11-25, 05:00 authored by Roy Ng, On-Yin Cheng, Min Jian, Jason Kwan, Philip Ho, Kenneth Cheng, Patrick Yeung, Lena Zhou, Ruby Hoo, Sookja Chung, Aimin Xu, Karen Lam, Koon Chan
Cerebral insulin injection to the right hippocampus. (a) 2 μl of insulin (0.05I.U) or artificial cerebrospinal fluid were injected to the right hippocampus (coordination: 2.5 mm [D-V]; 2.2 mm [A-P]; 2.1 mm [Lateral] from Bregma) of 12-mth-old mice. (b) Trypan Blue dye was injected to the same coordination of the right hippocampus indicated successful injection. (JPG 35 kb)


University of Hong Kong
