Springer Nature

Additional file 7: Figure S6. of Recombination in pe/ppe genes contributes to genetic variation in Mycobacterium tuberculosis lineages

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posted on 2016-02-29, 05:00 authored by Jody Phelan, Francesc Coll, Indra Bergval, Richard Anthony, Rob Warren, Samantha Sampson, Nicolaas Gey van Pittius, Judith Glynn, Amelia Crampin, Adriana Alves, Theolis Bessa, Susana Campino, Keertan Dheda, Louis Grandjean, Rumina Hasan, Zahra Hasan, Anabela Miranda, David Moore, Stefan Panaiotov, Joao Perdigao, Isabel Portugal, Patricia Sheen, Erivelton de Oliveira Sousa, Elizabeth Streicher, Paul van Helden, Miguel Viveiros, Martin Hibberd, Arnab Pain, Ruth McNerney, Taane Clark
Lineage-specific recombination hotspots. Manhattan plots showing genes that are likely to be recombination hotspots in each lineage (Lineage 1 Indo-Oceanic; Lineage 2 East-Asian (Beijing); Lineage 3 East-African-Indian; Lineage 4 Euro-American). The (−log10) p-value for the phi statistic is plotted against genome position. All genes with p-values < 0.05 are labelled. (TIF 147 kb)


Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council
