Springer Nature
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Additional file 7: Figure S4. of cPAS-based sequencing on the BGISEQ-500 to explore small non-coding RNAs

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posted on 2016-11-21, 05:00 authored by Tobias Fehlmann, Stefanie Reinheimer, Chunyu Geng, Xiaoshan Su, Snezana Drmanac, Andrei Alexeev, Chunyan Zhang, Christina Backes, Nicole Ludwig, Martin Hart, Dan An, Zhenzhen Zhu, Chongjun Xu, Ao Chen, Ming Ni, Jian Liu, Yuxiang Li, Matthew Poulter, Yongping Li, Cord Stähler, Radoje Drmanac, Xun Xu, Eckart Meese, Andreas Keller
Core network characteristics as node degree distribution (top) and shortest path length (bottom). (PNG 129 kb)


Universität des Saarlandes
