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Additional file 6: of Sequence variation and functional analysis of a FRIGIDA orthologue (BnaA3.FRI) in Brassica napus

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posted on 2018-02-13, 05:00 authored by Licong Yi, Chunhong Chen, Shuai Yin, Haitao Li, Zhaohong Li, Bo Wang, Graham King, Jing Wang, Kede Liu
The effect of different BnaA10.FRI haplotypes on mean days to flowering in SORs (accession numbers of mHAP1-3 were 6, 20, and 13, respectively) (A-C) and SWORs (accession numbers of mHAP1-3 were 69, 14, and 35, respectively) (D-F). Numbers above each box indicate the means of days to flowering for the three growing conditions (2013XN = at year 2013, Qinghai, spring environment; 2014LZ = at year 2014, Gansu, spring environment; 2014WH = at year 2014, Wuhan, semi-winter environment). ‘mHAP’ marker-based haplotype. (TIFF 421 kb)


National Natural Science Foundation of China
