Springer Nature
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Additional file 6 of Identification of the molecular mechanisms underlying brisket disease in Holstein heifers via microbiota and metabolome analyses

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posted on 2021-06-30, 03:30 authored by Kun Yao, Shuxiang Wang, Naren Gaowa, Shuai Huang, Shengli Li, Wei Shao
Additional file 6: Figure S1.. LEfSe based on classification information and LDA scores distribution histogram. (A) LEfSe of BD and HH. Circle radiating from inside to outside represents classification level from phylum to genus. (B) LDA score distribution diagram of BD and HH. Histogram length represents the impact of significantly different species. Red node and bar indicate microbial group playing important role in BD. Green node and bar indicate microbial group playing important role in HH. LDA, linear discriminant analysis; LEfSe, LDA effect size.


the National Dairy Industry and Technology System
