Springer Nature
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Additional file 6: Figure S4. of A genetically encoded Ca2+ indicator based on circularly permutated sea anemone red fluorescent protein eqFP578

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posted on 2018-01-16, 05:00 authored by Yi Shen, Hod Dana, Ahmed Abdelfattah, Ronak Patel, Jamien Shea, Rosana Molina, Bijal Rawal, Vladimir Rancic, Yu-Fen Chang, Lanshi Wu, Yingche Chen, Yong Qian, Matthew Wiens, Nathan Hambleton, Klaus Ballanyi, Thomas Hughes, Mikhail Drobizhev, Douglas Kim, Minoru Koyama, Eric Schreiter, Robert Campbell
K-GECO1 expression patterns in zebrafish Rohon–Beard (RB) cells. a Schematic view of the image window. b Representative images of K-GECO1 expression in RB cells. c Representative images of jRGECO1a (with NES) expression in RB cells. (TIF 1782 kb)


Alberta Innovates
