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Additional file 5: of Unexpected patterns of segregation distortion at a selfish supergene in the fire ant Solenopsis invicta

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posted on 2018-11-07, 05:00 authored by Kenneth Ross, DeWayne Shoemaker
Figure S2. The social chromosome (chromosome 16, Sb variant) of polygyne Solenopsis invicta. Depiction is based on reference genome build Si_gnH_C3 of a haploid SB male from the USA [51]. Locations of three inversions on the distal arm of the Sb chromosome (two of which overlap) are shown by blue bars, and the positions of three supergene-linked marker loci (i_126, C294, Gp-9) and the centromere are indicated (physical distances between loci are shown with parentheses; size of the centromere is not shown to scale). The region of reduced recombination on Sb chromosome 16, estimated by mapping to the new reference build 2796 RADseq SNPs from 92 haploid sons of a heterozygous SB/Sb queen [47], is indicated by the orange bar. Purple and grey blocks represent Pacific Biosciences (PacBio) contigs of the raw assembly. (Based on original figure by Y. Zheng.) (TIF 221 kb)


National Science Foundation
