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Additional file 5 of Temporal phylogeny and molecular characterization of echovirus 30 associated with aseptic meningitis outbreaks in China

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posted on 2021-06-07, 03:10 authored by Xiaoling Tian, Zhenzhi Han, Yulong He, Qiang Sun, Wenrui Wang, Wenbo Xu, Hongying Li, Yong Zhang
Additional file 5. Fig. S5: Maximum likelihood phylogenetic tree of E30 strains isolated from this study and the potential recombination donors. Scale bars represent the substitutions per site per year. (A), (B), and (C) represent the phylogenetic tree based on the P1, P2 and P3 coding regions.


National Major Science and Technology Projects of China Scientific and Technological Innovation Guidance Project of the Department of Finance of Inner Mongolia Autonomous region the Inner Mongolia Autonomous region Grassland Talent team Rolling Project National Key Research and Development Program of China Natural Science Foundation of Beijing Municipality
