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Additional file 5: of Exosome-transmitted miR-128-3p increase chemosensitivity of oxaliplatin-resistant colorectal cancer

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posted on 2019-03-19, 05:00 authored by Tong Liu, Xin Zhang, Lutao Du, Yunshan Wang, Xiaoming Liu, Hui Tian, Lili Wang, Peilong Li, Yinghui Zhao, Weili Duan, Yujiao Xie, Zhaowei Sun, Chuanxin Wang
Figure S2. related to Fig. 2. miR-128-3p expression in CRC cell lines and its effect on oxaliplatin resistance. A. Migration and invasion ability of HT29OxR cells transfected with Lv-128 and Ctrl were assessed with a Transwell assay. B. Motility ability of HT29OxR cells transfected with Lv-128 and Ctrl were assessed by wound healing assays. C. Accumulation of Pt in HT29OxR cells transfected with Lv-128 or Ctrl following exposure to 30 μM oxaliplatin treatment for 24 h. D. Total Pt-DNA adduct levels in HT29OxR cells transfected with Lv-128 or Ctrl following exposure to 30 μM oxaliplatin treatment for 24 h. E. The immunofluorescence analysis of nuclear foci for γ-H2AX expression induced by oxaliplatin in HT29OxR cells transfected with Lv-128 or Ctrl after 24 h` oxaliplatin exposure (30 μM). Scale bars, 10 μm. F. RT-qPCR assay was performed to detect the miR-128-3p expression in FHC cells transfected with Lv-128 or Ctrl. (TIF 1535 kb)


Natural Science Foundation of China
