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Additional file 5: Figure S5. of Transformation of enriched mammary cell populations with polyomavirus middle T antigen influences tumor subtype and metastatic potential

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posted on 2015-10-01, 05:00 authored by Daria Drobysheva, Brittni Smith, Maria McDowell, Katrin Guillen, Huseyin Ekiz, Bryan Welm
PyMT activity comparison with tumor histology, molecular subtype, and metastasis. a Western blot quantification of relative ratio of pAKT to AKT, pERK to ERK, and pSRC to SRC protein expression in enriched population tumors segregated based on tumor histology and normalized to β-actin. No significant differences in protein expression were detected among tumor groups (t test, n = number of tumors). b Western blot quantification of relative ratio of pAKT to AKT, pERK to ERK, and pSRC to SRC protein expression in enriched population tumors segregated based on tumor molecular subtype and normalized to β-actin. Molecularly basal tumors exhibited significantly higher levels of pERK/ERK levels than luminal tumors (t test, p value shown, n = number of tumors). c Western blot quantification of relative ratio of pAKT to AKT, pERK to ERK, and pSRC to SRC protein expression in enriched population tumors segregated based on tumor metastasis and normalized to β-actin. No significant differences in protein expression were detected among tumor groups (t test, n = number of tumors). (TIFF 1046 kb)


National Institutes of Health
