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Additional file 4 of Methodological approaches to imputing early-pregnancy weight based on weight measures collected during pregnancy

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posted on 2021-02-06, 04:28 authored by Jiaxi Yang, Dongqing Wang, Anne Marie Darling, Enju Liu, Nandita Perumal, Wafaie W. Fawzi, Molin Wang
Additional file 4: Supplement Figure 4. Observed weight versus the difference between the observed and imputed weights, for 200 subjects included in Study II testing set based on the mixed effects model with the lowest mean absolute error (kg), Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, 2010–2013. The upper 95% limit was calculated by adding two standard deviations of the differences to the mean difference; the lower 95% limit was calculated by subtracting two standard deviations of the differences from the mean difference. The majority of the plotted subjects fall within the lower and upper limits, suggesting a good agreement between the observed and imputed weights.


Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Harvard University
