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Additional file 4 of Long non-coding RNA NORAD promotes pancreatic cancer stem cell proliferation and self-renewal by blocking microRNA-202-5p-mediated ANP32E inhibition

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posted on 2021-09-23, 03:34 authored by Yu-Shui Ma, Xiao-Li Yang, Yu-Shan Liu, Hua Ding, Jian-Jun Wu, Yi Shi, Cheng-You Jia, Gai-Xia Lu, Dan-Dan Zhang, Hui-Min Wang, Pei-Yao Wang, Fei Yu, Zhong-Wei Lv, Gao-Ren Wang, Ji-Bin Liu, Da Fu
Additional file 4: Figure S3. miR-202-5p inhibits the self-renewal and stemness of PCSCs by targeting ANP32E. A, Representative images of GFP in PANC-1 cells treated with miR-202-5p mimic, si-ANP32E, ANP32E or miR-202-5p mimic + ANP32E (left) as well as the statistical analysis results (right). B, Flow cytometric analysis of CD24+ and CD44+ cells in PANC-1 cells treated with miR-202-5p mimic, si-ANP32E, ANP32E or miR-202-5p mimic + ANP32E (left) as well as the statistical analysis results (right). * p < 0.05 vs. cells without treatment.


National Natural Science Foundation of China Shanghai Natural Science Foundation Construction of Clinical Medical Center for Tumor Biological Samples in Nantong Jiangsu 333 Program Key program of Hunan Provincial Department of Science and Technology Shanghai Committee of Science and Technology
