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Additional file 4: of Gene expression comparison of resistant and susceptible Atlantic salmon fry challenged with Infectious Pancreatic Necrosis virus reveals a marked contrast in immune response

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posted on 2016-04-11, 05:00 authored by Diego Robledo, John Taggart, Jacqueline Ireland, Brendan McAndrew, William Starkey, Chris Haley, Alastair Hamilton, Derrick Guy, Jose Mota-Velasco, Almas Gheyas, Alan Tinch, David Verner-Jeffreys, Richard Paley, Georgina Rimmer, Ian Tew, Stephen Bishop, James Bron, Ross Houston
Scatterplot of gene expression for the complement and coagulation cascade KEGG pathway. Scatterplot showing the log2 fold change values of genes differentially expressed at any of the six comparisons and annotated to the KEGG pathway “complement and coagulation cascades”. (PNG 243 kb)


Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council
