Springer Nature

Additional file 4: Figure S9. of MYH7-related myopathies: clinical, histopathological and imaging findings in a cohort of Italian patients

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posted on 2016-07-07, 05:00 authored by C. Fiorillo, G. Astrea, M. Savarese, D. Cassandrini, G. Brisca, F. Trucco, M. Pedemonte, R. Trovato, L. Ruggiero, L. Vercelli, A. D’Amico, G. Tasca, M. Pane, M. Fanin, L. Bello, P. Broda, O. Musumeci, C. Rodolico, S. Messina, G. Vita, M. Sframeli, S. Gibertini, L. Morandi, M. Mora, L. Maggi, A. Petrucci, R. Massa, M. Grandis, A. Toscano, E. Pegoraro, E. Mercuri, E. Bertini, T. Mongini, L. Santoro, V. Nigro, C. Minetti, F. Santorelli, C. Bruno
Schematic representation of muscle involvement in MYH7 patients. In dark grey are the most affected muscles, in light grey the muscle which are still affected but to a lesser extent. In white are the spared muscles. AL: adductor longus; AM: adductor magnus; G: gracilis; GM: gastrocnemius medialis; PG: peroneal group; RF: rectus femoris; S: Sartorius; SO: soleus; TA: tibialis anterior; VL: vastus lateralis; VM: vastus medialis; VI: vastus intermedius; BF: biceps femoris; SM: semimembranousus. (TIF 270 kb)


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