Springer Nature
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Additional file 4: Figure S3. of Defining the transcriptomic landscape of the developing enteric nervous system and its cellular environment

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posted on 2017-04-12, 05:00 authored by Sweta Roy-Carson, Kevin Natukunda, Hsien-chao Chou, Narinder Pal, Caitlin Farris, Stephan Schneider, Julie Kuhlman
Top 50 significant GO terms from the biological process category in the neurons. A bar graph illustrating the first significant 50 biological processes GO term nodes based on the p-value. The y-axis shows the top 50 GO terms for the biological processes, while the x-axis shows the corresponding –log(p-value). The specific values can be found in the additional file 21. (JPG 82 kb)


Roy J. Carver Charitable Trust
