Additional file 3 of Teasing apart the host-related, nutrient-related and temperature-related effects shaping the phenology and microbiome of the tropical seagrass Halophila stipulacea
posted on 2022-04-16, 03:28authored byAmir Szitenberg, Pedro Beca-Carretero, Tomás Azcárate-García, Timur Yergaliyev, Rivka Alexander-Shani, Gidon Winters
Additional file 3. Figure S3: Diverging community compositions among treatments. Weighted UniFrac distance based principal coordinate analyses (PCoA) of epiphyte samples from T0 (A), T3 (B), T5 (C) and T8 (D). CTCN - control temperatures (27°C) and control nutrients (no enrichment). CTN - control temperatures (27°C) with nutrient enrichment. TCN - heatwave (31°C) without nutrient enrichment. TN - heatwave with nutrient enrichment. Time points T0 and T8 had baseline temperatures and no active nutrient enrichment in all baths. The percent total variance accounted for by each coordinate is indicated on the corresponding axis. The most important ASVs, following the importance definition by Legendre and Legendre [41], are represented by BiPlot analyses (gray arrows) and their taxonomic identifications are noted in the legend