Springer Nature
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Additional file 3: of Hytrosavirus genetic diversity and eco-regional spread in Glossina species

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posted on 2018-11-23, 05:00 authored by Irene Meki, Henry Kariithi, Mehrdad Ahmadi, Andrew Parker, Marc Vreysen, Just Vlak, Monique van Oers, Adly Abd-Alla
Figure S3. GpSGHV haplotype network in Glossina species: The haplotype network generated based on the ML tree generated based on GpSGHV concatenated sequence of VNTR-1, VNTR-2, ORF9, ORF10 and ORF38. The black dots on the lines represent mutations events between the haplotypes. The different colours represent the Glossina species. Abbreviations; KEN (Kenya), TAN (Tanzania), ETH (Ethiopia), ZIM (Zimbabwe), ZAM (Zambia), UGA (Uganda), SA (South Africa), DRC (Democratic republic of Congo), Ruck. (Ruckomechi), BRI-KALRO (Biotechnology Research institute- Kenya agricultural and livestock research organization), GR (Game reserve). (TIF 1390 kb)
