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Additional file 3 of Genetic interference exerted by Salmonella-delivered CRISPR/Cas9 significantly reduces the pathological burden caused by Marek’s disease virus in chickens

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posted on 2021-10-01, 03:35 authored by Amal Senevirathne, Chamith Hewawaduge, John Hwa Lee
Additional file 3. Symptom severity in control and CRISPR/Cas9-treated chickens. Chickens (n = 2) were sacrificed on the 6th week post-infection. Organs were aseptically harvested. Prominent signs of infection were obvious in spleen and liver specimens. Arrows demarcate MDV-induced symptoms resembling lesions. Spleens from PBS-treated and vector-only control animals showed severe damage caused by MDV due to cancerous transformation. The other two groups, the MDV-1st and ST-1st group, showed a significant delay in the emergence of lesions, indicating resistance against MDV infection.


National Research Foundation of Korea (KR)
