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Additional file 2 of Genome editing of CCR5 by AsCpf1 renders CD4+T cells resistance to HIV-1 infection

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posted on 2020-07-09, 05:23 authored by Zhepeng Liu, Jin Liang, Shuliang Chen, Kewu Wang, Xianhao Liu, Beibei Liu, Yang Xia, Mingxiong Guo, Xiaoshi Zhang, Guihong Sun, Geng Tian
Additional file 2: Figure S1. CCR5 editing by CRISPR/AsCpf1 and CRISPR/spCas9. A, target sequence of CRISPR/AsCpf1-#4 and CRISPR/spCas9-#1/#2. B, the cleavage efficacy of CCR5 by CRISPR/AsCpf1-#4 and CRISPR/spCas9-#1/#2 at 72 h post-transfection in TZM.bl cells. C, DNA sequencing of the edited fragments. D, E, T7E1 and DNA sequencing analysis of the top 3 candidates of all the predicated off-target sites about spCas9-#1/#2.


China National Special Research Program of Synthetic Biology Shenzhen`s Health and Family Planning Commission Program of Clinic Research
