Springer Nature
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Additional file 2: Figure S2. of Radiotherapy enhances natural killer cell cytotoxicity and localization in pre-clinical canine sarcomas and first-in-dog clinical trial

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posted on 2017-12-19, 05:00 authored by Robert Canter, Steven Grossenbacher, Jennifer Foltz, Ian Sturgill, Jiwon Park, Jesus Luna, Michael Kent, William Culp, Mingyi Chen, Jaime Modiano, Arta Monjazeb, Dean Lee, William Murphy
Validation of ALDH as a CSC Marker in Dog PDX Tumors. A. A dog sarcoma PDX tumor was allowed to grow to ~ 20 mm in maximal dimension. The tumor was then excised and digested into single cell suspension. B. Tumor cells were sorted by flow cytometry into ALDHbright and ALDHdim populations. 2 × 105 purified cells were implanted subcutaneously into contralateral flanks of NSG mice (N = 4) and allowed to grow. ALDHbright cells established tumors faster and were more rapidly fatal. * P < 0.05 via one-way ANOVA with Tukey’s post-test. C. Representative photograph showing difference in tumor formation between ALDHbright and ALDHdim sarcoma PDX #465049 cells implanted subcutaneously in NSG mice. (TIFF 890 kb)


National Cancer Institute
