Springer Nature

Additional file 2: Figure S2. of Factors associated with Anaplasma spp. seroprevalence among dogs in the United States

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posted on 2016-03-22, 05:00 authored by Christopher McMahan, Dongmei Wang, Melissa Beall, Dwight Bowman, Susan Little, Patrick Pithua, Julia Sharp, Roger Stich, Michael Yabsley, Robert Lund
Granulocytic anaplasmosis-endemic areas of the United States. Areas where granulocytic anaplasmosis is considered endemic are reflective of counties surrounding established I. scapularis and I. pacificus populations and where clinical diagnosis of granulocytic anaplasmosis or competent reservoir hosts have been reported. Counties where granulocytic anaplasmosis is considered endemic are shaded red; non-endemic counties are shaded white. (JPG 2025 kb)


National Science Foundation (US)
