Springer Nature
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Additional file 2: Figure S1. of Transcriptome profiling of gene expression during immunisation trial against Fasciola hepatica: identification of genes and pathways involved in conferring immunoprotection in a murine model

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posted on 2017-01-23, 05:00 authored by Jose Rojas-Caraballo, Julio López-Abán, Darwin Moreno-Pérez, Belén Vicente, Pedro Fernández-Soto, Esther del Olmo, Manuel Patarroyo, Antonio Muro
The antibody levels (IgG) in mice immunised with the synthetic peptides. An ELISA was performed to assess the success of the immunisation procedure. Sera samples were obtained two weeks after the last immunisation. (EPS 126 kb)


Fundación Ramón Areces
