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Additional file 1 of Location-specific signatures of Crohn’s disease at a multi-omics scale

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posted on 2022-08-24, 08:19 authored by Carlos G. Gonzalez, Robert H. Mills, Qiyun Zhu, Consuelo Sauceda, Rob Knight, Parambir S. Dulai, David J. Gonzalez
Additional file 1: Supplementary Figure S1. IBD200 Cohort supplementary metrics A) Severity breakdown of CD and UC cohorts. SES-CD and UCEIS (UC severity scale) used for scoring breakdown. B) Proteomic feature set comparison to previously reported values in literature. Every effort was taken to include reported values from IBD stool metaproteomic studies from the past five years, however this list may not be exhaustive. PubMed search terms used “Inflammatory bowel disease meta/proteome”, “Ulcerative colitis meta/proteome”, “Crohn’s disease meta/proteome”. C) SNP panel generated statistics on 126 IBD patients in cohort. Left panels are histograms of Nei’s genetic diversity and minor allele frequency. Right panel is PCA graph colored by disease location (only ICD n = 27, and CCD n = 22, subtype used in graph generation). Colored circles indicate confidence interval (0.95). D) Comparison of discriminatory power of each feature set, as calculated by Log2(Pseudo-F/P-value). Both input values determined by PERMANOVA beta-diversity comparisons (see Supplementary Table 1 for extended results). E) PCoA biplot of multi-omic feature set. Top 10 features are plotted in biplot, colored by active IBD location subgroup, please refer to Supplementary Table 3 for details.


Institutional Research and Academic Career Development Award UCSD Gastroenterology T32 training grant American Gastroenterology Association Research Scholar Award Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation through a Litwin IBD Pioneers Program Grant Collaborative Center for Multiplexed Proteomics San Diego Digestive Disease Center
