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Additional file 1 of LncRNA SNHG9 is downregulated in osteoarthritis and inhibits chondrocyte apoptosis by downregulating miR-34a through methylation

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posted on 2020-08-02, 03:58 authored by Hongfei Zhang, Jinglian Li, Weiguang Shao, Naipeng Shen
Additional file 1: Figure S1. Inhibition of miR-34a did not affect the expression of SNHG9 in chondrocytes from OA patients. Inhibition of miR-34a in chondrocytes from OA patients was also performed (A). Inhibition of miR-34a also did not affect the expression of SNHG9 (B). All experiments were performed in triplicate manner and mean values were calculated and presented. *, p < 0.05.
