Springer Nature
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Additional file 1: of Intermittent high dose proton pump inhibitor enhances the antitumor effects of chemotherapy in metastatic breast cancer

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posted on 2015-08-22, 05:00 authored by Bi-Yun Wang, Jian Zhang, Jia-Lei Wang, Si Sun, Zhong-Hua Wang, Lei-Ping Wang, Qun-Ling Zhang, Fang-Fang Lv, En-Ying Cao, Zhi-Min Shao, Stefano Fais, Xi-Chun Hu
Figure S1. Warburg Effect. Most cancer cells predominantly produce energy through a high rate of glycolysis followed by lactic acid fermentation, rather than through oxidative phosphorylation in the mitochondria. (TIFF 4691 kb)


Natural Science Foundation of Shanghai
