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Additional file 17: of The complex pattern of epigenomic variation between natural yeast strains at single-nucleosome resolution

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posted on 2015-07-31, 05:00 authored by Fabien Filleton, Florent Chuffart, Muniyandi Nagarajan, Hélène Bottin-Duplus, Gaël Yvert
Epidiv recalculated using fixed-size physical regions. For each gene, the region spanning 500 bp upstream the TSS to 1,500 bp downstream the TSS was segmented in 10 bp bins and epidiv was calculated using the same anova model and procedure as described in the main text. A) Correlation between these recalculated epidiv values and transcriptional responsiveness. B) Correlation between these recalculated epidiv values and presence of a TATA box.
