Springer Nature
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Additional file 15: of The initial deficiency of protein processing and flavonoids biosynthesis were the main mechanisms for the male sterility induced by SX-1 in Brassica napus

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posted on 2018-11-07, 05:00 authored by Luyun Ning, Zhiwei Lin, Jianwei Gu, Lu Gan, Yonghong Li, Hao Wang, Liyun Miao, Libin Zhang, Baoshan Wang, Maoteng Li
The putative metabolic pathway for male sterility induced by SX-1. Red letters indicate down-regulation, and green letters indicate up-regulation. Gray dotted line means interaction between these two genes. Gray dotted arrow means there are many steps between the two metabolites. Gray two-way arrow means the same metabolite or pathway. Pathways located in the light blue background indicate the main events at the YB stage, light green for SA stage, light red for MA stage and light purple for LA stage respectively. (JPG 1163 kb)


National Natural Science Foundation of China
