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Additional file 13: Figure S8. of Development of pathogenicity predictors specific for variants that do not comply with clinical guidelines for the use of computational evidence

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posted on 2017-08-11, 05:00 authored by Elena Campa, NatĂ lia Padilla, Xavier Cruz
The results in this figure are computed for the subset of amino acid variants resulting from single nucleotide replacements only. (A) and (C). Frequency distribution of MCC values for all the specific predictors generated in this work: (A) data for simple neural networks; (C) data for neural networks with one hidden layer and two nodes. Shown with a dashed line is 0, the MCC value for a random predictor. We see that specific predictors are systematically better than the random predictor. (B) and (D). Contribution of the three biochemical/biophysical properties (Blosum62 elements, Shannon’s entropy and Position specific scoring matrix elements; see Materials and Methods) to improve the performance of the specific predictors. Points above the dotted line correspond to cases where use of these properties improves the performance of a specific predictor. We see that this is essentially always the case. (B) and (D) correspond to the simpler and to the one hidden layer neural networks, respectively. (PNG 172 kb)
