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Additional file 12: of Unexpected patterns of segregation distortion at a selfish supergene in the fire ant Solenopsis invicta

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posted on 2018-11-07, 05:00 authored by Kenneth Ross, DeWayne Shoemaker
Figure S7. Genetic relatedness between pairs of nestmate queens (r) in relation to their patterns of supergene TRD. Queen pairs are classified into three types: pairs in which one or both queens did not display significant TRD, pairs in which both queens displayed TRD of the same polarity (either both displayed drive or both displayed drive reversal), and pairs in which the queens displayed TRD of opposite polarity (one displayed drive and the other drive reversal) (N = 359, 12, and 11, respectively). (A) Distributions of r values for queens of the different types; sizes of the symbols indicate the relative numbers of identical r values (smallest symbols of each type, N = 1). Similar results showing that queens with significant TRD do not display unusually high or low relatedness to nestmate queens with TRD were observed as well for the seven individual source colonies from which these queens originated. (B) Box and whisker plots of the data. The boxes represent the interquartile ranges while the whiskers represent the 90th percentiles. Medians for each type are zero; means are indicated by the red dotted lines. Pairs of queens in which both members displayed TRD were neither significantly more nor less closely related to one another than were pairs of nestmate queens not displaying TRD (see main text). (TIF 631 kb)


National Science Foundation
