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Additional file 12: of The initial deficiency of protein processing and flavonoids biosynthesis were the main mechanisms for the male sterility induced by SX-1 in Brassica napus

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posted on 2018-11-07, 05:00 authored by Luyun Ning, Zhiwei Lin, Jianwei Gu, Lu Gan, Yonghong Li, Hao Wang, Liyun Miao, Libin Zhang, Baoshan Wang, Maoteng Li
Validation for DEGs and DE-miRNAs by qRT-PCR. a, Result from RNA-seq and miRNA-seq. b, Result from qRT-PCR. The numbers are log2X-normalized ratio values. Red color represents higher gene expression levels. Green color corresponds to lower gene expression levels. The blocks without a numerical value indicate the gene expression was not detected by RNA-seq or miRNA-seq. (JPG 110 kb)


National Natural Science Foundation of China
