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Additional file 10: of The m6A-suppressed P2RX6 activation promotes renal cancer cells migration and invasion through ATP-induced Ca2+ influx modulating ERK1/2 phosphorylation and MMP9 signaling pathway

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posted on 2019-06-03, 05:00 authored by Dongkui Gong, Jin Zhang, Yonghui Chen, Yunfei Xu, Junjie Ma, Guanghui Hu, Yiran Huang, Junhua Zheng, Wei Zhai, Wei Xue
Figure S3. Excluding MMP13 as downstream target gene. A Correlation analysis for P2RX6 and MMP13 from TCGA database. B WB validation of MMP13 protein level after treating with ATP. (TIF 786 kb)


National Natural Science Foundation of China
