Springer Nature
Table_f4_Effect_Matrix_Recovery_IS.xlsx (293.4 kB)

Values obtained for each replicate of matrix effects and recovery samples (lung tissue, plasma and culture medium) (xlsx)

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posted on 2018-08-15, 13:00 authored by Lucia Helena Faccioli, Carlos Artério Sorgi, Luiz Moraes, Ana Paula Ferranti Peti, Tania Petta, Alyne Favero Galvão Meirelles, Caroline Fontanari
Demonstrated all values obtained for each replicate of matrix effects and recovery samples (lung tissue, plasma and culture medium). In these experiments the analytes corresponded to internal standards (deutered compounds) for eliminate the interference of matrix endogenous metabolites. The individual values were used to determine the average (n = 6) of matrix effect and recovery of the extraction method.
