Springer Nature
5 files

Phylloicus hansoni larval population size structures in both predator-only and predator-third party stream settings

posted on 2018-04-10, 08:09 authored by Kelly Murray, David Murray-StokerDavid Murray-Stoker, Catherine Pringle, Troy Simon
This data was collected in 2013 and 2011 in the southern slope of Trinidad’s Northern Range Mountains, within the Caroni River drainage. The dataset consists of larval caddisfly size distribution data across streams with different fish assemblages, with data on size, frequency and gut content data of predatory fish species.

The related study investigates the relationship between the size structures of the larval caddisfly (Phylloicus hansoni Denning) and different fish assemblages in Trinidadian streams in two settings:
KO: Killifish-Only: upstream reaches where the predatory killifish, Anablepsoides hartii, is the only fish species
KG: Killifish-Guppy: downstream reaches where killifish and the omnivorous guppy Poecilia reticulata coexist

The data files are four .csv text files, accessible via MS Excel, open office and openly accessible text edit applications.


The following data files are from 5 streams, each with reaches with differing fish assemblages in 2013.

PHYL-size_frequency_data.csv - size frequency data consisting of body lengths and head capsule widths of caddisfly larvae:
- stream: El Cedro = CED, Endler = END, Guard Dog Creek = GDC, Ramdeen = RDN, Trip Trace = TRT.
- reach: stream setting - KG or KO
- instar.group: HCW classification as Small = S (0.2 - 0.4 mm), Medium = M (0.5 - 0.8 mm), Large = L (0.9 - 1.1 mm)
- HCW: head capsule width in mm
- count: frequency

PHYL-site_survey_data.csv - site survey data
(stream & reach see above)
- transect - transect id in the format TTTRRX (TTT = transect, RR = reach, X= sequential numerical id)
- wetted.width in cm
- depth in cm
- canopy.cover in %
- CBOM: coarse benthic organic matter gm-2
- CPUE: catch per unit effort

PHYL-fish_size_class_data.csv - killifish size class data, with mean CPUE for each size class at each stream/reach:
(stream & reach see above)
- fish.SC - fish size classification: Juvenile = J (< 15 mm), Small = S (15-30 mm), Medium = M (30-45 mm), Large = L (45-60 mm), and Extra-Large = XL (> 60 mm)
- mean.CPUE: mean CPUE (see above for definition) for specific stream and reach

The following data was collected from killifish in 2011. Appropriate institutional permits were obtained.

PHYL-GCA_data.csv - Gut content data (GCA) detailing P. hansoni in individual killifsh catches:
(stream, reach, fish.SC, HCW see above)
- fish.size: fish size in mm
- success: 1 = P. hansoni present, 0 = P. hansoni not present
- failure: 1 = P. hansoni not present, 0 = P. hansoni present
- instar: instar size class - Juvenile = J, Small = S, Medium = M, Large = L, and Extra-Large = XL


Stoker-PHYL.R - R code for analysis of data files listed above


University of Georgia: Ms. Kelly Murray | Odum School of Ecology: Mr. David Stoker | National Science Foundation (EF0623632): Dr. Troy Simon
