Springer Nature
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MOESM8 of Longitudinal genome-wide DNA methylation analysis uncovers persistent early-life DNA methylation changes

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posted on 2019-01-09, 05:00 authored by Raúl Pérez, Pablo Santamarina, Juan Tejedor, Rocío Urdinguio, Julio Álvarez-Pitti, Pau Redon, Agustín Fernández, Mario Fraga, Empar Lurbe
Additional file 8: Table S4. Chromatin state enrichment analysis of 0→5 and 5→10 dmCpGs. Enrichments were calculated based on differences between the dmCpGs obtained in each of the analyses and the hg19 chromatin segmentation regions (ChromHMM, 18 states) obtained from Roadmap and ENCODE consortia. A custom LOLA database including information related to the chromatin states in the different tissues/cell lines and corresponding array backgrounds were used for the correct enrichment calculation.


Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades
