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MOESM5 of Identification of genomic regions regulating sex determination in Atlantic salmon using high density SNP data

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posted on 2019-10-23, 08:26 authored by María Gabián, Paloma Morán, Ana Fernández, Beatriz Villanueva, Amel Chtioui, Matthew Kent, Lara Covelo-Soto, Almudena Fernández, María Saura
Additional file 5. Genotypic and phenotypic information used for the GWAS. Genotypes for the 36,625 (pruned) SNPs are coded as allele dosage (0, 1, 2) for the minor allele (A1) for each individual (first row). Phenotypic information for sex (1: male, 2: female) for each individual is also included (second row). Missing values are coded as NA
