Springer Nature
12936_2017_2122_MOESM3_ESM.xlsx (1.08 MB)

MOESM3 of Determination of the residual efficacy of carbamate and organophosphate insecticides used for indoor residual spraying for malaria control in Ethiopia

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posted on 2017-11-21, 05:00 authored by Delenasaw Yewhalaw, Meshesha Balkew, Josephat Shililu, Sultan Suleman, Alemayehu Getachew, Gedeon Ashenbo, Sheleme Chibsa, Gunawardena Dissanayake, Kristen George, Dereje Dengela, Yemane Ye-Ebiyo, Seth Irish
Additional file 3. Excel spreadsheet containing individual chemical analysis results and bioassay data results.


United States Agency for International Development
