Springer Nature
12014_2017_9171_MOESM2_ESM.xlsx (2.03 MB)

MOESM2 of Proteomic characterisation of bovine and avian purified protein derivatives and identification of specific antigens for serodiagnosis of bovine tuberculosis

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posted on 2017-11-02, 05:00 authored by José Infantes-Lorenzo, Inmaculada Moreno, María Risalde, Álvaro Roy, Margarita Villar, Beatriz Romero, Nieves Ibarrola, José de la Fuente, Eugenia Puentes, Lucía de Juan, Christian Gortázar, Javier Bezos, Lucas Domínguez, Mercedes Domínguez
Additional file 2. Peptides and proteins identified in aPPD.


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