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MOESM2 of Metabolic labeling in middle-down proteomics allows for investigation of the dynamics of the histone code

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posted on 2017-07-06, 05:00 authored by Simone Sidoli, Congcong Lu, Mariel Coradin, Xiaoshi Wang, Kelly Karch, Chrystian Ruminowicz, Benjamin Garcia
Additional file 2: Table S1. Bottom-up MS quantification of epithelial cells grown in light and heavy KR medium and mixed 1:1. Relative abundance of bottom-up-sized histone peptides labeled with light and heavy KR. The first columns display the relative abundance of the same peptide in unlabeled (light) versus heavy KR-labeled form. The columns H/L ratio represents the ratio of the peptides between heavy and light. On the top right, average of H/L ratios across all detected peptides and respective standard deviation. On the bottom right, correlation analysis and significance estimated using the t test.


National Institutes of Health
