Springer Nature
13104_2017_2653_MOESM2_ESM.xlsx (132.69 kB)

MOESM2 of Development of novel genic microsatellite markers from transcriptome sequencing in sugar maple (Acer saccharum Marsh.)

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posted on 2017-08-08, 05:00 authored by Monica Harmon, Thomas Lane, Margaret Staton, Mark Coggeshall, Teodora Best, Chien-Chih Chen, Haiying Liang, Nicole Zembower, Daniela Drautz-Moses, Yap Hwee, Stephan Schuster, Scott Schlarbaum, John Carlson, Oliver Gailing
Additional file 2. Summary report of all EST-SSRs. The summary statistics and primer sequences are given for all EST-SSRs. Gene annotations are provided for the newly developed EST-SSR markers.


Directorate for Biological Sciences
