Springer Nature
12936_2015_1026_MOESM1_ESM.xls (40.5 kB)

MOESM1 of Estimation of allele-specific Ace-1 duplication in insecticide-resistant Anopheles mosquitoes from West Africa

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posted on 2015-12-18, 05:00 authored by Luc Djogbénou, Benoît Assogba, John Essandoh, Edi Constant, Michel Makoutodé, Martin Akogbéto, Martin Donnelly, David Weetman
Additional file 1 : Statistical analysis of row data obtained from ddPCR method. The data provided represent the average number of copies of PCR amplicons and the number of copies from the ratio of λ estimates for each allele in each sample.


Wellcome Trust (GB)
