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MOESM1 of A pharmacological chaperone improves memory by reducing Aβ and tau neuropathology in a mouse model with plaques and tangles

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posted on 2020-01-22, 08:36 authored by Jian-Guo Li, Jin Chiu, Mercy Ramanjulu, Benjamin Blass, Domenico Praticò
Additional file 1: Figure S1. A. Effect of TPT on behavioral tests in male mice. (A) Number of total arm entries for wild-type mice (WT) and 3xTg mice (3xTg) treated with TPT or control (Ctrl). (B) Percentage of alternations for WT and 3xTg mice treated with TPT or control (Ctrl). (C) Contexual fear memory response in WT and 3xTg mice treated with TPT or control (Ctrl). (D) Cued fear memory response in WT and 3xTg mice treated with TPT or control (Ctrl). (E) Morris water maze, probe trial for the same four groups of mice, number of entries to the platform area; (F) Morris water maze, probe trial for the same four groups of mice, latency to first entry to the platform area. Values represent mean ± standard error of the mean. (#p < 0.05, WT Control vs 3xTg Control; ^p < 0.05, WT/TPT vs 3xTg/TPT). (WT Control: n = 4; WT/TPT: n = 5; 3xTg Control, n = 4; 3xTg/TPT, n = 4). B. Effect of TPT on behavioral tests in female mice. (A) Number of total arm entries for wild-type mice (WT) and 3xTg mice (3xTg) treated with TPT or control (Ctrl). (B) Percentage of alternations for WT and 3xTg mice treated with TPT or control (Ctrl). (C) Contexual fear memory response in WT and 3xTg mice treated with TPT or control (Ctrl). (D) Cued fear memory response in WT and 3xTg mice treated with TPT or control (Ctrl). (E) Morris water maze, probe trial for the same four groups of mice, number of entries to the platform area; (F) Morris water maze, probe trial for the same four groups of mice, latency to first entry to the platform area. Values represent mean ± standard error of the mean. (#p < 0.05, WT Control vs 3xTg Control; ^p < 0.05, WT/TPT vs 3xTg/TPT). (WT Control: n = 4; WT/TPT: n = 5; 3xTg Control, n = 4; 3xTg/TPT, n = 4).


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