Springer Nature
2 files

Binary Artifact for TACAS-2018 paper "Optimal DPOR with Observers"

posted on 2018-04-13, 15:04 authored by Stavros Aronis, Bengt Jonsson, Magnus Lång, Konstantinos Sagonas
This is a binary artifact related to the TACAS-2018 paper "Optimal Dynamic Partial Order Reduction with Observers". The paper describes an extension to the Optimal DPOR (Dynamic Partical Order Reduction) algorithm that enables use of observers, and demonstrates its utility through two implementations: one in an SMC tool for C/C++ programs with pthreads and one in an SMC tool for Erlang programs.

This artifact contains the code and benchmarks used to generate the results in the paper, as well as instructions on how to do so. The artifact is designed to be used with https://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.5896615.

Within the artifact there are two subdirectories ("Concuerror" and "Nidhugg"), which each contain a README.md file, describing how the experimental results of the relevant sections can be replicated.


This work was carried out within the Linnaeus centre of excellence UPMARC (Uppsala Programming for Multicore Architectures Research Center), and was partly supported by grants from the Swedish Research Council.


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