Springer Nature
2 files

Behavioural data related to threat-detection strategy in mice

posted on 2020-07-29, 13:05 authored by Xing Yang, Qingqing Liu, Jinling Zhong, Ru Song, Lin Zhang, Liping Wang
The zipped file a simple threat detection strategy in mice.zip contains seven folders. All the folders contain files in .txt file format.

These are: fig1 examples, fig2 speed, fig3 size, fig4 natural stimuli, figS1 defensiveResponses, figS2 trial 1-5, figS3 v014.

Folder fig1 examples: contains the .txt files flight S01-20180224-02.txt, freezing S03-20180227-05.txt, and rearing S02-20180601-10.txt.
Folder fig2 speed contains 13 sub folders.
Folder fig3 size contains 28 sub folders.
Folder fig4 natural stimuli contains 8 sub folders.
Folder figS1 defensiveResponses contains three sub folders.
Folder figS2 trial 1-5 contains 12 .txt files
Folder figS3 v014 contains 10 sub folders.
In all the sub folders, the text files are in the following format: S0X-20XXXXXX-XX.txt, where X is a number.

Raw behavioural data collected with the infrared touchscreen frame in each figure, have been contained in the particular folder. Each txt file contains the behavioural data of one mouse.
The folder “fig1 examples” relates to figure 1, and shows the three remarkable behaviors in response to looming stimuli.
The folder “fig2 speed” relates to figure 2, and shows the flight, freezing and rearing responses induced by an expanding shadow with constant speed.
The folder “fig3 size” relates to figure 3, and shows the responses induced by expanding shadows with different changes in expanding size.
The folder “fig4 natural stimuli” relates to figure 4, and shows the responses induced by simulative natural visual stimuli.
The folder “figS1 defensiveResponses” relates to additional file 1, figure S1, and shows the properties of flight, freezing and rearing responses in mice.
The folder “figS2 trial 1-5” relates to additional file 2, figure S2, and shows the behavioural tendencies from the first to fifth looming stimulus.
The folder “figS3 v014” relates to the additional file 3, figure S3, and shows the responses induced by the 14°/s expanding shadows with different changes in expanding size.

The 1st line in each of the text files, represents the beginning time of the recording.
The 2nd and 3rd lines are reserved except the last string in the 3rd line, which is a time tag.
The 4th to the last lines are touch-input data. Data from left to right are x, y, dwID, dwFlags, dwTime, cxContact, cyContact, respectively.
For the definition of the touch-input data, please see:

Study aims and methodology:
Avoiding danger and accessing environmental resources are two fundamental, yet conflicting, survival instincts across species. To maintain a balance between these instincts, animals must efficiently distinguish approaching threats from low-threat cues. However, little is known about the key visual features that animals use to promptly detect such imminent danger and thus facilitate an immediate and appropriate behavioural response.
In this study, using a series of looming stimuli with different sizes and expanding speeds, the authors systematically analysed flight, freezing, and rearing behaviour in mice that were induced by these approaching visual cues.
Male C57BL6/J mice (Beijing Weitonglihua Corp.) aged 8–10 weeks, were used for all the experiments. The looming test, behavioural analysis and statistical analysis are described in more detail in the related article.


This work was funded by: the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) 31700908 (X.Y.), NSFC 31700907 (Q.L.), NSFC 31630031 (L.W.); International Partnership Program of Chinese Academy of Sciences 172644KYS820170004 (L.W.); the Strategic Priority Research Program of Chinese Academy of Science XDBS01030100 (L.W.); Guangdong Special Support Program [2018]9 (L.W.); Shenzhen governmental grants JCYJ20180302145710934 (Q.L.), JCYJ20170413164535041 (L.W.); Ten Thousand Talent Program (L.W.), and the Center of excellence, Chinese academy of sciences.


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