Springer Nature
Artefact_StocHy.zip (303.71 MB)

Artifact and instructions to generate experimental results for TACAS 2019 paper: StocHy: automated verification and synthesis of stochastic processes

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posted on 2019-03-10, 12:29 authored by Nathalie Cauchi, Alessandro Abate
We provide an artifact of the tool called StocHy. This serves as an accompaniment to the tool paper titled StocHy: automated verification and synthesis of stochastic processes. The artifact consists of a compiled version of StocHy which allows you to generate all the results within the experimental evaluation section (i.e. Sec. 4). Within the tool paper, we present four different case studies highlighting the novelty, strengths and use of StocHy. The first case study deals with the application of formal verification via two abstraction techniques: FAUST 2 or IMDP based and their comparison in terms of computational times and abstraction error for varying grid sizes. Using the artifact, this analysis can be performed for all the different grids or a subset of the grids used (as desired). In the second case study, we perform strategy synthesis over an unbounded time horizon. Consequently, running the artifact results in generating the policy itself, the probability of satisfying the property of interest when using this policy and the maximum abstraction error. The third case study, shows how we can scale in the number of continuous variables (up to 12 dimensions) when performing formal verification.
The artifacts gives the option to run the verification procedure for all (or
a subset of) the dimensions considered. Lastly, it performs the simulation for the stochastic hybrid system considered in the fourth case study. We intend to employ the artifact as a demo of StocHy with the aim of highlighting its ease of use and scalability.
