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Additional file 9: of Transcriptomic and proteomic analyses of core metabolism in Clostridium termitidis CT1112 during growth on α-cellulose, xylan, cellobiose and xylose

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posted on 2016-05-23, 05:00 authored by Riffat Munir, Victor Spicer, Oleg Krokhin, Dmitry Shamshurin, XiangLi Zhang, Marcel Taillefer, Warren Blunt, Nazim Cicek, Richard Sparling, David Levin
Highly expressed ABC type sugar transporters identified in the transcriptome and proteome of C. termitidis. Normalized proteomic Z-scores Pnet are represented as: (i) P0: xylose grown cells – cellobiose grown cells; (ii) P1: α-cellulose grown cells – cellobiose grown cells; and (iii) P2: xylan grown cells – cellobiose grown cells. Normalized transcriptomic Z-scores Rnet are represented as: (i) R0: xylose grown cells – cellobiose grown cells; (ii) R1: α-cellulose grown cells – cellobiose grown cells; and (iii) R2: xylan grown cells – cellobiose grown cells. Highlighted cells represent Znet-value threshold for up and down regulation of ± 1.65 (representing the outermost 10 % of the data set). Up-regulation in the corresponding substrate with respect to cellobiose are highlighted in red, while down-regulation in the corresponding substrate with respect to cellobiose are highlighted in green. (XLSX 11 kb)


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