Springer Nature
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Additional file 8: of Genome-wide analysis of differential transcriptional and epigenetic variability across human immune cell types

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posted on 2017-01-26, 05:00 authored by Simone Ecker, Lu Chen, Vera Pancaldi, Frederik Bagger, JosĂŠ FernĂĄndez, Enrique Carrillo de Santa Pau, David Juan, Alice Mann, Stephen Watt, Francesco Casale, Nikos Sidiropoulos, Nicolas Rapin, Angelika Merkel, Hendrik Stunnenberg, Oliver Stegle, Mattia Frontini, Kate Downes, Tomi Pastinen, Taco Kuijpers, Daniel Rico, Alfonso Valencia, Stephan Beck, Nicole Soranzo, Dirk Paul
Gene ontology enrichment of genes showing hypervariable DNA methylation. Ontology enrichment analysis of genes in proximity to CpGs showing hypervariable DNA methylation using GREAT. (XLSX 60 kb)


EU FP7 High Impact Project BLUEPRINT
