Springer Nature
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Additional file 7: of De novo assembly and characterisation of the field pea transcriptome using RNA-Seq

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posted on 2015-08-16, 05:00 authored by Shimna Sudheesh, Timothy Sawbridge, Noel Cogan, Peter Kennedy, John Forster, Sukhjiwan Kaur
(A). Bioinformatic comparison (BLASTN) of Kaspa contigs against the pea transcriptome datasets. The information includes the BLASTN results obtained as a result of comparison of Kaspa contigs against four other transcriptome datasets of pea at a threshold E value < 10−10. (B) Bioinformatic comparison (BLASTN) of Parafield contigs against the pea transcriptome datasets: The information includes the BLASTN results obtained as a result of comparison of Parafield contigs against four other transcriptome datasets of pea at a threshold E value < 10−10. (ZIP 31071 kb)
